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Using git subtree to Install the Academic Theme for Hugo

·4 mins

This post details how I installed the Academic Theme for Hugo, which I use to generate this web site.

There are two differences in the way I create my repository when compared with the installation steps suggested in the Academic theme website:

  1. I do not fork and clone the academic-kickstart website, as this brings the git history of that project into the history of my website. I want to keep my website history clean with just the changes that I make.

  2. I use git subtree instead of git submodule to incorporate the Academic theme into my site. Git subtrees make pulling changes from the theme master repository easier, which is all I want to do. Git subtrees also complicate pushing changes to the theme repository, but this is something I am not planning to do.

Creating the Website #

The first step in creating the website is to install the Hugo static content management system. I installed it using the following command:

sudo snap install hugo

Next, create a working directory, a new Hugo site, and initialize git:

mkdir -p ~/Workspace
cd ~/Workspace
hugo new site
git init
git add .
git commit -am "Initial commit from hugo new site command"

Configuring the Academic Theme #

You have to add and set up a theme on the new Hugo website to make it usable. I use the command git subtree to incorporate the Academic theme into the already existing themes directory.

git remote add hugo-academic
git subtree add --prefix=themes/academic hugo-academic master --squash

The git remote command creates a local reference to the hugo-academic theme repository. The git subree command clones the master branch of this repository under the themes/academic directory while squashing all commits (I am not interested in the commit details of the upstream repository).

Git knows already about the two repositories, the local master repository and the remote hugo-academic one.

git branch -a
  * master

Something good about using git subtree is that there is no visible metadata about them to watch for, like the .gitmodules file when you use git submodule. There are however two new commits in the repository:

$ git log
commit f585fc51c0229d7b3bdcbb8c2c8fcd819844fcb1
Merge: edd4a17 ef7db14

    Merge commit 'ef7db146f3f27106c69803df8cc651dea6b2796d' as 'themes/academic'

commit ef7db146f3f27106c69803df8cc651dea6b2796d

    Squashed 'themes/academic/' content from commit 817cac0
    git-subtree-dir: themes/academic
    git-subtree-split: 817cac04ddd40a673342211bf5adfe147a0760ba

commit edd4a17cb6a5c0fcab82070aa04bef4c3a0b74bd

    Initial commit from hugo new site command

This first commit records the subtree squashing and merging operations, and the second one the merge operation into the hosting repository.

Adding Sample Content #

The Academic theme comes with sample website content that you can use as a starting point. The following commands copy and commit the sample content into your working directory;

cp -av themes/academic/exampleSite/* .
git add .
git commit -am "Make site render the default academic theme example content"

You can test the website locally using the command hugo server and then visiting http://localhost:1313 with your browser. If you prefer to use a non-local address, then you can use a command like the following:

$ hugo server -D --bind --baseURL

The Hugo server updates the test website as soon as you change any of the files in your working repository. It is time now to start customizing it and adding your own content. Getting Started is a good starting point.

Updating the Academic Theme #

When you want to sync up with newer versions of the Academic theme you have to update the clone repository under the themes/academic directory. You can do this with the following command:

git subtree pull --prefix=themes/academic hugo-academic master --squash 

This is basically the same command you used before to create the initial clone. This time you use git subtree pull instead of git subtree add, but all other parameters are the same. It is pretty simple indeed.

As before, you will see two commits in the git log tracking the pull and merge operations.